Emergency Assistance Programs

Revised June 20, 2012

Consolidated Emergency Assistance Program - CEAP

Revised December 18, 2023


This section describes a cash program available to families or pregnant individuals who face an emergency and don’t have the money to meet their basic needs, including families whose TANF cash assistance has been terminated for Non-Compliance Sanction (NCS) or those who have already received 60 months of TANF and do not qualify for a Time Limit Extension. Most cases closed for NCS must participate for four consecutive weeks before they qualify for TANF/SFA. These families may qualify for CEAP until their participation requirement is met. Assistance under this program is limited to not more than thirty consecutive days within a period of twelve consecutive months.

WAC 388-436-0015 Consolidated emergency assistance program - CEAP.

WAC 388-436-0020 CEAP assistance unit composition.

WAC 388-436-0030 How does my eligibility for other possible cash benefits impact my eligibility for CEAP?

WAC 388-436-0035 Income and resources for CEAP.

WAC 388-436-0040 Excluded income and resources for CEAP.

WAC 388-436-0045 Income deductions for CEAP.

WAC 388-436-0050 Determining financial need and benefit amount for CEAP.

Clarifying Information - WAC 388-436-0015

  1. Being a citizen or legal resident alien is not an eligibility requirement for CEAP.
EXAMPLE: A migrant farmworker household consisting of two parents and one child applies for cash assistance. They’re not eligible for ongoing cash assistance since they’re undocumented. TANF is denied and CEAP is now considered to meet the family's current needs, as CEAP is available to undocumented households.
  1. Proof of Social Security numbers isn't required. Don't require the client to provide SSN for the family as an eligibility requirement.
  2. Applicants for CEAP must complete the Client Declaration of Need on the Emergency Assistance Request/Grant Computation form DSHS 14-337(X).  You can use the AREN/CEAP tool listed under forms in Barcode to help you calculate the correct benefit amount.
NOTE: The on-line application or the DSHS 14-001 Application form can be used to request CEAP. If these forms are used, a DSHS 14-337 must still be completed.
  1. For Residency requirements, see RESIDENCY.
  2. Families whose TANF grant has been terminated for Non-Compliance Sanction can apply for CEAP under the same rules as other applicants. WorkFirst participation is not an eligibility requirement for CEAP.

Worker Responsibilities- WAC 388-436-0015

NOTE: For Disaster Cash Assistance, the client does not have to produce proof of expenses unless it is questionable.
  1. Explain to the applicant the limited availability (thirty consecutive days within twelve consecutive months) of this program.
EXAMPLE: The client applies on February 5th with an eviction notice. CEAP is approved on February 6th and a payment is made to the landlord. The client returns on February 10th with an electricity shut off notice. Since it’s within the 30 day period, it can be approved. The client returns again on March 15th with a shut off notice for natural gas, this is denied as it’s after the 30 day period.

Worker Responsibilities - WAC 388-436-0020

  1. When determining which members of the household will make up the CEAP assistance unit, first look at who must be members through relationship. A child within the family who is step-sibling to one child but half-sibling to another child becomes a mandatory member because of the half-sibling relationship.
A household consists of a married couple, two children belonging to one parent, two children belonging to the other parent, and one child belonging to both parents. The couple wants to exclude the two children of the first parent from the CEAP application because they receive child support income. They are step-siblings to the other parent's two children. The children are mandatory members because they are half-siblings to the child belonging to both parents. All the children must be included.
  1. When adding a caretaker relative other than a parent, or adding step-siblings, determine if it is to the advantage of the assistance unit to add that person. Inform the client that when choosing to add a member who doesn't have to be included, that person's income and resources are considered in determining need and the benefit amount.
  2. A minor parent living in the home of their parents is a mandatory member of the parent's CEAP assistance unit. When the parent's CEAP request is denied because resources and income exceed the need, the minor parent's child only can become a separate CEAP assistance unit if that child has an emergent need.
A minor child can't apply for CEAP by themselves. There must be a parent or relative of specified degree in the household.

Clarifying Information - WAC 388-436-0030

  1. Eligibility and payment amounts for all other DSHS financial, medical and food assistance programs must be determined before CEAP benefits may be approved, except for families who don’t qualify for cash assistance because their case was terminated for NCS.
  2. If the household contains a member who is eligible to receive or is receiving TANF, SFA or RCA, the family's emergency needs may be covered under the AREN benefit provisions in WAC 388-436-0002.
  3. Families receiving TANF/SFA or RCA at a reduced level, due to sanction or penalty, are not eligible for CEAP.

Clarifying Information - WAC 388-436-0035 

An income estimate is based on income already received plus a reasonable expectation of anticipated income for the month of application.

  1. Resources include items such as cash, checking & savings accounts, marketable securities, personal property and real property. Real property is land and buildings. See RESOURCES for more complete information.

  2. If an optional member as described in WAC 388-436-0015 (3) is included in the CEAP assistance unit, the resources and income of that person and that person's spouse are considered available to the CEAP assistance unit. If those income and resources would reduce or deny the CEAP benefit, the optional member can be excluded.

An aunt applies for emergency cash assistance for her niece and wants to be included in the assistance unit as a needy caretaker relative. The income and resources belonging to the aunt and her husband show that no emergency need exists. The aunt can be excluded. She and her husband don't have a legal obligation to support the minor child.

Clarifying Information - WAC 388-436-0040

The equity value of a vehicle is determined by subtracting the amount still owed, from the fair market value (FMV) of the car. The FMV is the average loan value as listed in the NADA Official Used Car Guide, or the wholesale value as listed in the Kelly Bluebook.

Worker Responsibilities - WAC 388-436-0040

  1. See RESOURCES for:

    1. A complete list of resources exempt under Federal Law;

    2. Determining real property as a home;

    3. The method of establishing values on non-exempt resources.

  2. Document in Remarks behind the Resource screens how income and resource values were established.

Clarifying Information - WAC 388-436-0050

The amounts requested in each category can't exceed the maximum limit allowed. You can find the maximum limit for each category in WAC 388-436-0050.  Excess amounts from one category can't be carried over to another category that is below the maximum.  There is an AREN/CEAP tool in Barcode under forms,that can help you calculate the correct allowable CEAP amounts

 A CEAP assistance unit of 3 persons verifies a need of $500 for rent, and $60 in utilities. Net income and resources equal $100.
  Need Maximum (3 persons) Allowed
Rent $700



Utilities $100



  $624 Total needed or allowed
  $706 Payment standard for 3
  $624 The lesser of the two above
  -100 minus available income and resources
  $424 CEAP payment

Worker Responsibilities - WAC 388-436-0050

  1. Explain that they may choose to receive the CEAP funds directly or have them sent to a vendor on their behalf.
  2. I f the client does not have an EBT account, then an account must be opened.

ACES Procedures

See Consolidated Emergency Assistance Program - CEAP

Top of Page

Disaster Cash Assistance Program

Revised February 11, 2021


This section describes a cash program activated due to natural disasters or other specified states of emergency declared by the Governor. It is available to families or individuals without children who face an emergency and don’t have the money to meet their basic needs. This program is available only once within a twelve-month period unless waived by the Governor.  

WAC 388-436-0055 What is the Disaster Cash Assistance Program (DCAP)?

WAC 388-436-0060 How much money can I receive from the Disaster Cash Assistance Program (DCAP)?

Clarifying Information - ​WAC 388-436-0055

When the Governor declares a state of disaster or emergency, the Disaster Cash Assistance Program (DCAP) will be authorized through the Consolidated Emergency Assistance Program (CEAP) to provide funds for families and individuals with or without children who have suffered losses because of the disaster or emergency.

NOTE: For COVID-19, there is no requirement that the applicant is unable to return to their home. 


  1. In order to be eligible for DCAP, applicants must meet all of the following criteria:
    1. The applicant must be a Washington resident.
    2. The applicant had to be living in the declared disaster county or emergency area at the time the emergency was declared or the disaster occurred.
    3. The applicant must have suffered a loss of  property or income. This includes an inability to go to work.  
    4. In the event of a declared natural disaster, the applicant must be unable to live in their primary home or return to this home because of the disaster.

      NOTE: The requirement above (d) has been waived for the COVID emergency.

    5. The CEAP income rules apply to DCAP. See WAC 388-436-0045.
    6. The applicant must apply for any other assistance available, (see WAC 388-436-0030) such as:
      1. TANF/SFA/RCA
      2. DCA
      3. PWA
      4. ABD cash
      5. Basic Food Assistance
      6. Unemployment

NOTE: If the applicant reports a declared need for food, check first to see if they are eligible for SNAP. Don’t issue DCAP benefits for food, if the applicant is eligible for those programs or eligible for food replacement due to loss.

  1. Under DCAP, applicants aren't required to:
    1. Meet citizenship or alien requirements; or
    2. Provide a Social Security number.

NOTE: DCAP is not subject to Public Charge. 


Worker Responsibilities - WAC 388-436-0055

  1. Review the application with the DCAP applicant.
  2. The applicant may request help with any of the basic requirements listed in WAC 388-436-0055 (2) without verifying the need with a bill or receipt unless questionable.  Use the DSHS 12-208 DCAP calculation form to discuss the applicant’s income and, resources, losses, declared expenses. This form is now available in Barcode under forms.
  3. Explain to the DCAP applicant the limited availability of this program.
  4. ABD applicants may be eligible to receive DCAP while ABD is pending for a disability determination from the SSS.
    1. Screen a DCAP AU along with the ABD AU.
    2. Explain to the applicant that the income received will be counted if they are eligible for ABD during the same month as DCAP.
    3. Finalize the DCAP but keep ABD pending and follow normal ABD procedure and refer to the SSS after financial eligibility has been determined.
    4. Encourage the applicant to work with the SSS to continue to determine eligibility for ABD.

Clarifying Information - WAC 388-436-0060

Use CEAP rules when calculating the income and resources for DCAP.
The differences between DCAP and CEAP are in how the program looks at household composition and deductions:

  1. Household composition:
    1. DCAP doesn't require a dependent minor child to be in the home.
  2. Deductions:
    1. The disaster or emergency losses (for example, damage to the home or property in a flood), can be used as a deduction from the income/resources calculation for DCAP.
    2. The losses are only used if the applicant doesn't expect to be reimbursed (such as insurance settlement) during the month of application.

Example: Dakota reported that the house rented as his primary home burned down with everything inside. Dakota reports a renters insurance policy, although was told the claim would take 45-60 days to process. Dakota reports all of the destroyed belongings are valued at $2,000.  This does not appear questionable so staff must code the $2,000 as a financial loss on the DCAP calculation worksheet.

Worker Responsibilities - WAC 388-436-0060

  1. Determine who must be included in the household. This is anyone living with the applicant that they are financially responsible for or who shares the financial responsibility such as;
    1. Your spouse;
    2. Domestic partner; or
    3. Your children or step-children.
  2. Proof of the income, resources, or expenses isn't required unless questionable.
  3. Complete the calculations using the DSHS 12-208 form (also available in Barcode).  Send or save a copy of this form to the applicant's ECR. 

Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP)

Revised February 4, 2025


This section explains the general eligibility criteria for the Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP) and when the State may use it.

WAC 388-437-0001 Disaster food stamp program.

Clarifying Information - WAC 388-437-0001

To implement D-SNAP the disaster president must first declare the disaster and authorize Individual Assistance (IA). After presidential approval, FNS works with the department to determine:

  • If the disaster will be covered by D-SNAP;
  • The length of time we will accept D-SNAP applications in each affected area; and
  • If we’ll need additional help from FNS or from other states.

General Guidelines

  1. Household:  The D-SNAP household is determined as of the date the disaster struck or people were forced to evacuate. As with Basic Food, it includes all people who live together and who purchase and prepare food together, at the time of the disaster.  D-SNAP status doesn’t change if a survivor lives with someone else temporarily because of the disaster. 
Example 1:  Household consists of Johnny, age 20.  He’s forced to evacuate and can stay at his parents’ home in another state.  He can request D-SNAP benefits for himself, even though he’s under 22 and with his parents. 
Example 2:  Same situation as above, except his parents are also in the disaster area but didn’t have to evacuate.  They are two separate households and can apply for D-SNAP separately. 
Example 3:  Molly and Joan have two daughters.  When they evacuated, they couldn’t all stay together, so Molly went to stay with a friend, and Joan and the children went to stay with relatives.  For D-SNAP, Molly, Joan, and the two children are still one household. 
Example 4:  Becky and Mark have a child.  When they evacuated, Mark’s grandmother offered to care for the child while Becky and Mark stayed with friends.  If Becky and Mark apply for D-SNAP, the child is included in their household.  If grandmother applies for regular Basic Food for herself and the child before Becky and Mark apply, the worker needs to clarify if this would be a long-term or short-term arrangement.  Long term, the grandmother can apply for herself and the child.  Short term, the child is on the parents’ D-SNAP application.  
  1. Disaster benefit period:  This begins the first day of the disaster, or earlier if evacuations were ordered.  It usually continues for 30 days but may be extended by FNS. 
  2. Disaster related loss: The household must have a loss from a federally declared disaster, such as lost income, damage to or destruction of a residence, or loss of food related to the disaster.: The household must plan on purchasing food to replace food lost in the disaster or have purchased replacement food during the disaster benefit period. The household must list the estimated amounts of their losses on the D-SNAP application.
  3. Residency: At the time of the disaster, the household lived within the geographical area designated as part of the disaster area. After the disaster, the household may be eligible for D-SNAP even if they are temporarily living outside the designated disaster area. If major businesses have been affected, CSD leadership may request authorization to also provide D-SNAP for those who work in the area. 
  4. Purchase and prepare: The household must purchase food and prepare meals together during the disaster certification period. Households temporarily residing in a shelter may qualify for D-SNAP if they’re not expected to remain in the shelter for the entire benefit period.
  5. Income: Countable income includes the net (take-home) income received or expected to be received during the benefit period. 
  6. Resources: Non-liquid resources are excluded. Liquid resources such as cash on hand or cash balances in accessible checking or savings accounts are added to income to determine the Disaster Gross Income. Note: income received in the disaster month but deposited in the bank isn’t counted twice.
  7. Current food assistance recipients: Food assistance recipients may also be helped through D-SNAP if FNS authorizes mass replacement benefits for those in the disaster area, or mass supplements to bring all eligible households to the maximum benefit.  Household disaster replacements may be provided in the disaster area before D-SNAP as D-SNAP can take time to implement. Follow the current process in the Replacement chapter of EA-Z. FNS may authorize a timely reporting waiver that would extend the 10-day timeframe in which Basic Food households must report the loss of food purchased with their benefits and request replacement benefits.

    Note: Mass replacement benefits under D-SNAP don't require the client household to report or fill out an affidavit of loss.  However, households issued a household disaster replacement because of the later declared D-SNAP disaster only qualifies for one payment and won't qualify for mass replacements.

  8. Help from other agencies: A household is only eligible to receive disaster benefits once per disaster.  Some households may be receiving help from another agency when D-SNAP is approved; the type of help they receive will determine if they could qualify for D-SNAP.
    1. The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) may make regular food distribution or disaster distribution. Anyone participating in TEFAP program could get a disaster household distribution. In addition, they  might qualify for D-SNAP if it is authorized.  Washington State Department of Agriculture administers both the federally funded TEFAP program and state funded Emergency Food Assistance program (EFAP). The state’s Emergency Food Assistance Program, EFAP, provides funds for running food banks and food pantries. 
    2. Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) may make regular food distribution or disaster distribution.  If the household received a regular monthly distribution before the disaster, assume food was destroyed in the disaster and they might qualify for D-SNAP.  If they received FDPIR after the disaster occurred, they’re not eligible for D-SNAP in the same month. 
    3. Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)/USDA Foods households may receive a disaster distribution as well as D-SNAP. CSFP food is almost never used for any kind of disaster distribution. CSFP would continue as normal unless normal distribution isn’t possible. In Washington, these programs are operated through the Washington State Department of Agriculture.
  9. Other eligibility criteria:
    1. The following aren't eligibility factors for D-SNAP:
      1. Immigration status.
      2. Social Security number.
      3. Student status.
      4. IPV status.
      5. Work requirements.
    2. A prior disqualification in the regular food assistance programs doesn't disqualify an applicant for D-SNAP.
    3. A D-SNAP overpayment may be established and collected back through the regular overpayment process. However, a Basic Food overpayment isn't collected from the D-SNAP allotment.

D-SNAP Procedures

After the disaster is declared with the president authorizing individual assistance, and FNS approves use of a D-SNAP, eligibility offices (CSOs, HCSOs, MCSO, CSCC) will receive instructions, procedures, and forms.

Emergency Assistance Programs - Additional Requirements for Emergent Needs (AREN)

Revised December 18, 2023


This section describes an additional cash benefit available only to families, individuals, and pregnant women receiving Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), State Family Assistance (SFA), or Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) programs.

WAC 388-436-0002 If my family has an emergency, can I get help from DSHS to get or keep our housing or utilities?

Clarifying Information - WAC 388-436-0002

The intent of the AREN program is to keep clients in their housing, prevent utility disconnection, or get clients into housing that they can afford on an ongoing basis and get utilities connected. Paying for a hotel or motel stay should be a last resort and a short-term solution.

  1. Families may be eligible when they:
  • Have an emergent need to get or keep housing or utilities (See AREN Emergency Needs Table);
  • Are eligible for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), State Family Assistance (SFA), or Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA);
  • Have good reason that they don’t have enough money to pay the housing or utility costs; and
  • Haven’t received the maximum AREN payment ($750), as an adult, in the last 12-month period.
  1. Clients must complete a cash assistance application as required in WAC 388-406-0010 if they don’t get assistance at the time of the AREN request. Clients who don’t want on-going TANF, SFA or RCA can’t receive AREN; however if they have on-going means of support they may be eligible for Diversion Cash Assistance.
  2. AREN for "child only" households:

    Households that receive a "child only" grant (e.g., non-needy relative, SSI parent, or someone acting in loco parentis) may receive AREN for emergent needs because the emergent need has an impact on children receiving TANF, SFA, or RCA. When we determine the household's needs, we must consider the income of the entire household, including income that we exclude when determining the household's ongoing assistance.

  3. We consider a client who applies for TANF in Washington but isn’t eligible until the month after the application because they received TANF in another state to be receiving TANF for the purposes of this rule. The client can get AREN if they meet all other eligibility factors.



  1. See VERIFICATION for information on how to get verification. Use ACES letter, 0075-02 AREN Status, if you need to request verification of the amount of the client's emergency need.

  2. A statement from the client or their landlord that they are simply behind on their rent doesn’t necessarily meet the emergency requirement. At that point, the landlord may be willing to make arrangements for a payment plan with the client.

  3. We may consider WorkFirst Support Services to meet client’s needs if the client gets TANF/SFA and doesn’t meet AREN eligibility.

  4. We may consider AREN funds for an emergency housing or utility need when the bill isn’t in the client’s name.We must obtain verification that the client is responsible for payment.

AREN Emergency Needs Table

This table includes acceptable needs for AREN payments but doesn’t cover reasons a client may not have money to cover their expenses. If you aren’t sure if a client has good reason for how they spent their funds, you may want to talk to your lead worker or supervisor about the situation.

Emergency Need

AREN payment?


Back Rent



Car Repair






Credit Card Bills



Deposits for rent or utilities





  • If client doesn't get food assistance, ask if they want to apply.
  • We may replace food bought with food assistance benefits and lost in household disaster. See WAC 388-412-0040.




Home repairs



  • The damage puts the client's health or safety at risk; and
  • The client owns the home; or
  • The landlord won’t fix the damage, and it is less expensive to fix the damage than to move.

Licensing, auto fees, automobile insurance





  • To flee domestic violence.
  • To leave unsafe housing.
  • As a lower cost option to paying back rent to prevent eviction.

Short-term lodging such as motels


  • Only when there is no other option.
  • Decide how long of a stay to approve based on when you expect the client to get more permanent housing.
  • Not allowed on an ongoing basis.

Utility Bills


  • The least amount to prevent a utility shut off.
  • For phone service, only the amount to keep local phone service when the client needs the service for their health and safety.

Basic Local Telephone Service


  • Only allow AREN to get phone service or prevent a shut-off of basic service when the client can show a need for the service to meet the client's health and safety needs.
  • Refer clients who need help with their phone service to local community resources.



  1. Susan, her minor daughter Cindy, and Cindy's child get TANF. They received AREN for an emergency housing need on August 5, 2006. Cindy later moved out of the TANF AU with the child. Cindy requested AREN on October 5, 2006. The worker decided Cindy had a good reason for not having money to meet their needs. Cindy is a minor child and lived with an adult when her AU received AREN. Approve AREN as long as Cindy meets all other eligibility criteria.

  2. A TANF AU of Mom, Dad, and two children received AREN in August. Mom and one of the children moved out of the AU at the end of August. Mom was an adult member of an AU that received AREN. Deduct the amount Mom received from the $750 twelve-month limit if she requests AREN.

  3. Doug, Sally and their child receive AREN of $750 in March of 2010 to prevent eviction from their apartment. Doug and Sally divorce, and he marries Tiffany in 2012. He and Tiffany apply for AREN to prevent utility shut off. Tiffany never received AREN. The assistance unit is eligible for AREN because neither Doug nor Tiffany received AREN funds within the past twelve months.

  4. A four-person AU applied for TANF and requested AREN to pay for new housing and furniture. The AU currently lives in a domestic violence shelter. The AU has no income but will get $833 in TANF monthly. The rent for the new apartment is $450 a month. We can use AREN to get the new apartment but not for furniture. Refer the client to resources in the community to see if someone can help with the client's furniture needs.

  5. A two-person AU asked for AREN to help pay for their overdue utility bill and current long-distance telephone bill. The family provided proof that their usual monthly income covers these expenses but due to an injury, the client missed six weeks of work. The client had a claim for L&I, but after a delay the client ended up receiving benefits for two weeks instead of the six weeks of benefits the client expected. We can use AREN for the utility costs. We don’t pay the long distance bill, because the service isn’t a health or safety factor.

  6. A three-person AU requests AREN to pay for rent that is two months behind. The AU’s only income is their TANF grant of $706. The AU lives in subsidized housing and has a rent cost of $300 a month. Look at how the AU spent their grant for the last two months to decide if the AU is eligible for AREN. The AU must show that their TANF grant was used to pay other necessary expenses as listed in WAC 388-436-0002. Make your decision based on information that is readily available to the AU.

  7. A family of four applied for assistance and asked for AREN to pay for a utility bill and rent that is three months past due. The mom left her job a week ago when she was diagnosed with cancer. Her overdue utility bill is $400 and her overdue rent is $1800. Her monthly rent is $600. Although the family has an emergency housing need, we must look at how the AU has spent their money for the last three months. Some questions to ask are:

  • Were the AU's earnings used to pay for necessary expenses, such as medical care?
  • Will the AU be able to pay for the ongoing rent of $600 in addition to their other bills?
  • Will the AU's only source of income be the TANF grant of $833, or will they have other forms of income (such as SSI or child support in addition to TANF) to meet their future needs?

Decide if it is more appropriate to look at AREN to help the family get housing they can afford based on the AU's change in income

  1. A three-person AU requested AREN to avoid eviction and pay $1600 for rent that is two months overdue. The ongoing rent is still $800 a month, and the AU’s only income is the TANF grant of $706 a month. Even if the AU has good reason for their lack of funds to meet the emergency need the AU is living beyond their means and can’t show how they will be able to afford this expense in the near future. Consider looking at using AREN to help the family avoid homelessness by getting housing that they can afford based on their income.

  2.  On October 5th a two-person AU requests AREN for an eviction notice on the 1st of October and a utility shut off notice on the 25th of November. We can use AREN to pay the landlord and the utility company as long as they meet the AREN requirements, and the total amount doesn’t exceed $750.

  3. Mom and Dad get TANF for their two children. The AU received $400 in AREN for their emergency housing needs on August 10. Mom and dad split up at the end of August. Dad moved out with one child and is now in a new AU. Mom stayed in the home with the other child and is in the original AU. On October 1st, Dad requested AREN for a utility shut-off. Dad was an adult member of an AU that received AREN. He is eligible for up to $350 in AREN.

  4. Shelley receives a monthly TANF grant of $450 because she is acting in place of a parent for John, an unrelated child. Despite her best efforts to keep up on the bills, John’s hospitalization and unplanned medical expense prevented Shelley from being able to pay the utility bills. She received a notice to pay the $380 balance, or the heat will be cut off in February. Because Shelley receives a TANF grant for John's needs, Shelley may be eligible for AREN to pay the emergency utility cost. We do consider Shelly's income and available cash resources for AREN, even though we didn’t use this to determine eligibility for the child-only TANF grant.

  5. In March, a TANF eligible family moves from California to Washington. The family applies for assistance in Washington on 3/15/07.  The family is eligible for TANF beginning 04/01/07 because they received March TANF benefits from California They can get AREN in March if they meet all other program requirements

Worker Responsibilities - WAC 388-436-0002

Application Process

  1. Clients may request AREN as follows:
    1. A client who currently gets TANF, SFA, or RCA, may request AREN by:
      1. Completing the Emergency Assistance Request, DSHS 14-337(X), or
      2. Requesting the assistance over the phone, and we will complete form DSHS 14-337(X).
    2. A client who doesn’t get TANF, SFA, or RCA must complete all of the following:
      1. Cash assistance application as required in WAC 388-406-0010, and
      2. Emergency Assistance Request, DSHS 14-337(X).
  2. Determine if AU is eligible for AREN per Clarifying Information #1 or WAC 388-436-0002 (1).

    1. Obtain proof of the client's need and the cost it would take to end the emergency.
    2. Determine if the assistance unit still has AREN funds available to resolve the emergent need.  If not, the AU isn’t eligible for AREN unless they meet ETR criteria. 
    3. Decide if AREN will meet the client's emergency housing or utility need. We can only use AREN to help a client get or keep housing and utility services. Use the AREN Emergency Needs Table to determine what needs are allowable through AREN.  If not, the AU isn’t eligible for AREN.  
    4. Decide if the client has good reason for why the AU doesn’t have enough money to pay for the expense. If the client has good reason, continue to the next step. If not, the AU isn’t eligible for AREN. Some questions to look at when you decide if a client has good reason include:
      • Did the client spend their money in a reasonable manner under the circumstances?
      • Was the client’s choice of how they  spent their funds reasonable at that time?
      • Did the client spend their money on necessary expenses?
      • Do the client's circumstances, such as mental or physical disability, explain why they used their money in a way that would not typically be looked at as a reasonable? If so, discuss Equal Access (EA) services available to the client.
      • Will paying the request meet the client's short-term emergency need, or will the client continue to need additional assistance? Will the action just delay what will happen anyway? If the request will just delay the emergency need, you may want to discuss other options with the client.
      • Is the client in non-compliance WorkFirst sanction with a reduced grant? If so they are not eligible for AREN.
    5. Determine if an adult in the AU received AREN within the past twelve months.
      1. If so, they may receive the unused amount from the $750 as applicable (this includes  adults who left an AU that received AREN and reapplies for AREN in a new AU) , or submit Exception to Rule (ETR) request for payments that exceed the $750 twelve-month limit using the ETR process.  Headquarters will only approve AREN ETRs relating to health and safety.  Some examples of ETR situations are:
        1. Elderly or disabled clients.
        2. Clients who need access to emergency services. (e.g., a parent of a child who is on a ventilator would need a phone to contact an ambulance in an emergency).
        3. Domestic violence victims or others who are likely to need police protection.
      2. If not, they may receive up to $750.
    6. Determine the lowest amount that will end the client's emergency housing or utility need up to the twelve-month maximum of $750, and issue the lowest amount needed to resolve the emergency completely, not just for a few months. Use the following steps to decide on the lowest amount:
      1. Contact the organization/person the client owes the payment to (e.g., landlord, utility company, etc.) and determine:
        1. How to prevent eviction or utility shut-off.
        2. Whether the organization/person will set up a reasonable payment plan or partial for the debt. Don’t provide legal advice or attempt to settle a client's legal claims.
        3. The landlord can be the owner, lessor, or sublessor of the home, unit or the property. Landlord can also mean any person designated as representative of the owner including, an agent, a resident manager, or a designated property manager.
      2. Determine client’s available resources to meet the need (e.g. cash, checking, savings) and reach an agreement with the client on how much of the need they can cover. Clients don’t have to use all of their resources to meet the emergency need. Look at what other expenses the client may need to pay. The following are examples of possible resources:
        1. Money on hand in the form of cash, checking or savings.
        2. Income the AU has that isn’t excluded for cash assistance. (income of an SSI child, earnings of an ineligible AU member, etc.)
        3. Money voluntarily provided by other individuals such as family or friends.
        4. Money from a non-needy relative caretaker living in the home.
      3. Check other resources that may be able to meet the client's needs.
      4. Look at what community resources are available to the client to meet the emergency need and refer as applicable (e.g. Catholic Charities, LIHEAP, Millionaire's Club, Multi-Service Center, Salvation Army, St. Luke's, St. Vincent DePaul, etc.).
    7. Refer all AREN requests for assistance beyond five hundred dollars and up to the seven hundred fifty dollar program limit to a supervisor or designee for approval of payment.
    8. Issue AREN for the approved needs by vendor payment after you determine the least amount necessary to meet a client's emergency housing or utility need,. You must issue AREN payments directly to a registered vendor to meet IRS guidelines.
    9. Give or send the ACES letter 0075-02 AREN Status to the client.
    10. Review the circumstances that led to the client requesting AREN and decide if the client should have a protective payee under WAC 388-460-0020 and WAC 388-460-0035. Refer the client to social services to get a payee if necessary.
    11. Document the following in the remarks of the AREN screen for the AU:
      1. Date and amount of request,
      2. Eligibility for TANF/SFA or RCA,
      3. The type of housing/utility emergency the client has,
      4. The good reason for not having funds to meet their expenses,
      5. The lowest amount needed to end the emergency need and how this amount (include the name, title, and phone number of the person you spoke with if you used a collateral contact),
      6. Whether or not you approved AREN,
      7. The vendor/landlord name and vendor ID number, and
      8. Amount approved (if any).
  1. Complete all AREN denials in writing. Use ACES letter 0075-02 AREN Status
  2. Find out if the utility company will separate the expenses if they provide services not related to the client's health or safety (e.g., one company provides electric, phone, cable, and garbage). Don't pay for services that are unrelated to health and safety if the company will separate the expenses.


  1. A three-person AU applies for AREN. Mom's gross earned income is $1500 a month. The AU isn’t eligible for AREN because the AU exceeds the gross earned income limit of $1,412 for the AU size. Ask the client if they want to apply for medical and food assistance.

  2. A two-person AU applies for TANF and AREN. Mom earns $800.00 monthly. The AU has no other income. Both the mother and the 17-year old child are fleeing felons. The AU isn’t eligible for AREN. The AU isn’t eligible for food assistance.

  3. A four-person AU applies for AREN. The father gets $1,200 a month in unemployment compensation. The AU isn’t eligible for AREN because the AU's unearned income is greater than the TANF/SFA and RCA payment standard of $833 for the AU size. Ask the client if they want to apply for food assistance.

  4. A three-person AU applies for AREN. Mom earns $900.00 monthly. The AU has no other income. They meet all the requirements for TANF eligibility. Approve AREN if the AU meets all other eligibility criteria. 

  5. In December, a TANF-eligible family of three requests AREN for $500 to repair the heater in their home. The family doesn’t have any other safe and reliable way to keep their home heated. The family isn’t on assistance and doesn’t want ongoing assistance. The family's gross income is normally $900 a month, but the father had to take a leave of absence for two months due to a medical emergency. Even though AREN would cover this expense, the AU is ineligible since the client doesn’t want ongoing benefits. Review eligibility for Diversion Cash Assistance for the emergency housing need under WAC 388-432-0005 with the client.

  6. A TANF AU requested AREN to help pay for a leak in the roof. The AU lives in an apartment and the lease agreement states that the landlord is responsible for maintenance and repairs of the apartment. The AU would have to contact the landlord and have them fix the roof. The client can reference the Residential Landlord-Tenant Act to persuade the landlord to make the needed repairs. If the family’s health or safety is endanger and the landlord refuses to make the needed repairs, use AREN for the least expensive option of making the repair or relocating the client.

  7. A three-person TANF AU requested AREN to help prevent eviction. The AU provided court papers showing the amount they owed. In order to avoid eviction, the AU needed to pay $600.00 in back rent and $80.00 in court and legal fees. We can use AREN to pay for the legal and court fees only if it will prevent the AU from eviction or foreclosure.


ACES Procedures

See Additional Requirement - Emergent Need (AREN)

Pandemic Emergency Assistance Fund

Created on: 
Apr 11 2022


This section reviews the Pandemic Emergency Assistance Fund, which provides a one-time non-recurrent cash payment to certain low-income families with eligible minor children due to the COVID-19 public health emergency.

WAC 388-436-0065 – What is the pandemic emergency assistance fund (PEAF)?

​Clarifying Information - WAC 388-436-0065

  1. A household must meet all eligibility criteria in WAC 388-436-0065 to receive the one-time non-recurrent cash payment:
    1. In the month of issuance, the household must meet all of the following:
      1. Have at least one qualifying child as defined in WAC 388-404-0005.
        1. The child must not have already received PEAF,
      2. Be active, eligible, and receiving at least one of the following benefits:
        1. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF),
        2. State Family Assistance (SFA),
        3. Basic Food (including Transitional Food Assistance)
        4. Food Assistance Program.
      3. Have a reported household income at or below 75% of the 2022 federal poverty level.
      4. Be a Washington resident.
  2. An application isn’t required for the Pandemic Emergency Assistance Fund (PEAF) payment.
  3. The PEAF payment amount is automatically generated for all eligible households in the month of issuance. 
  4. The PEAF payment is limited to one per qualifying child. 
    1. ACES automatically checks if a payment has been issued to a qualifying child, and if so, the system won’t issue another payment, even if the child changes households.
  5. The benefit amount is based on the number of eligible children in the home and availability of PEAF funds at the time of issuance.
  6. PEAF benefits aren’t subject to overpayments.
Example: Patrick and Melissa White and their son Ron, age 12, received food assistance in the month of May 2022.  They are Washington State residents and have an income of $1000 per month, therefore under the 75% FPL.  They received the PEAF payment for their qualifying child in May of 2022.

In May of 2024, the family is still on food assistance with income under the 2022 FPL, no additional children.  This family would not be eligible for the second PEAF payment as the child Ron already received PEAF in 2022.

Benefit Level:

We base the PEAF benefit level on two factors:

  • Available PEAF funding; and
  • Number of qualifying children in the month of issuance.
Example: Tarimah K. FitzMintzer is receiving TANF for herself and two children, ages 5 and 2. She is a resident of Washington State and has an income below 75% of the 2022 FPL. As they meet the eligibility criteria, she will receive the PEAF payment for each child.

PEAF Issuance

PEAF benefits for qualifying children are a one-time payment. If a child already received the PEAF payment in May of 2022, they will not be eligible to receive PEAF again in May of 2024.  This is a one-time payment and doesn’t impact other food or cash benefits.

  1. ACES automatically issues a combined total PEAF payment for all qualifying children to the TANF, SFA, SNAP or FAP head of household. PEAF isn’t prorated.
  2. PEAF payments are issued as follows:
    1. The current cash payment method for the cash head of household (EBT, warrant, EFT).
    2. For food (non-cash) households, it will be deposited into an EBT account accessed by the head of household’s EBT card.
  3. When a PEAF payment is approved, an approval letter will be sent, with the DSHS 14-520 notice attached, to advise of the approved usage of the benefits.

Worker Responsibilities:

  1. Staff aren’t required to take any actions to approve/issue PEAF benefits, as this is an automated process.
  2. Households may call in with questions. There are resources available to help answer their questions.