Click Month for Agenda and Notes
FFY 2023-2024 Provider Meetings
Month | Upcoming Date/Time | |
March 5 | 03/05/2024 9AM to 12 PM | |
June 4 | 06/04/2024 9AM to 12 PM | |
September | 09/10/2024 9AM to 12 PM | |
December | 12/10/2024 9AM to 12 PM |
The Impact of BFE&T AECF Report 2013
A-19, email
Using eJAS to Create ORIA Billing Roster
Cost Allocation Instructor Ratio Sample
Local Match Certification 06-155
Cost Details Sheet with Indirect Calculation
Match tracking and BFET funds reutilized spreadsheet
Remaining Balance Budget Tracking (optional)
SAW Account Instructions - All BFET case managers must do this to gain eJAS access.
Nondisclosure of Confidential Information Agreement for Non-Employee (eJAS Access) 03-374e
Eligibility List Email Template
SBCTC BFET Referral Form 10-501
BFET SAMPLE Affidavit of Missing Receipt
BFET Participant Reimbursements Form 07-103
BFET Tri-fold Brochure (English) Publication 22-1681 Region 1
(East of the Cascades)
BFET Tri-fold Brochure (English) Publication 22-1682 Region 2
(West side: Whatcom south through King County)
BFET Tri-fold Brochure (English) Publication 22-1683 Region 3
(West side: Pierce County, south and around the sound to Clallam)
This page is intended to assist contracted Basic Food Employment & Training (BFET) providers in training their staff on our electronic Job Assistance System (eJAS).