An action (that is not an accident) that injures, intimidates, punishes, or unreasonably confines a vulnerable adult. Abuse can be physical, mental, sexual, or coercive.
Possible signs of abuse:
- Unexplained injuries, bruises
- Fear, withdrawal or agitation
A person with a responsibility for a vulnerable adult leaves him or her without a way to obtain basic life necessities.
Possible signs of abandonment:
- A vulnerable adult is left alone in the home
- A vulnerable adult calls for aid or help
A person with a responsibility for a vulnerable adult fails to provide necessary goods or services, fails to prevent physical or mental harm or puts the vulnerable adult in danger.
Possible signs of neglect:
- Sudden decline in physical health, such as weight loss or skin ulcers
- Untreated injuries or illness
Financial Exploitation
The illegal or improper use of the property, income, resources, or trust funds of the vulnerable adult.
Possible signs of financial exploitation:
- Disappearance of property/possessions
- Sudden change in a will or a transfer of assets
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RCS Incident Reporting