Most DSHS offices are open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and closed on weekends and holidays.
Report abuse and neglect
We care about your mental health.
If you or someone you love are experiencing mental health struggles, emotional distress, alcohol or drug use concerns, or are in a state of mental crisis, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by dialing 988.
You can reach the Youth Crisis Line by calling Teen Link (866-TEENLINK, or 866-833-6546) or Teen Line (866-714-0090).
What can we help you with?
Apply for assistance, do a review, report a change, or have questions about cash, food, Housing and Essential Needs referral, Medicaid (for people who are 65 and older, blind or disabled, receiving SSI or eligible for Medicare).
Information on becoming a paid caregiver for a family member.
Information on the background check process.
Language testing, interpreter certifications, credits or testing, or medical interpretation.
Make a Public Records Request.
Report a civil rights/discrimination complaint.
Report a lost or stolen Quest/EBT card.
Report a privacy violation (HIPAA or other information).
Employment Verification for DSHS Employees: or (360) 725-5830
For all other inquiries, please complete the webform below or call 800-737-0617. (A fully accessible version can be accessed by following this link: WA DSHS Web Form)