Compliance Infection Control

The department is considering adding a section to Chapter 388-101 WAC of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) and amending WAC 388-101-3020, Compliance, for Certified Community Residential Services and Supports (CCRSS). These changes will help the regulated community comply with the rule by providing clear language about infection prevention. These changes are needed to benefit and support the entities regulated by this Chapter and necessary to protect public health, safety, and welfare.  

DSHS is conducting rulemaking which may amend the following WAC chapters: 

  • Chapter 388-101 WAC, Certified Community Residential Services and Supports 

The rule making project filed on June 13, 2023 will address the following subjects: 

  • Expanding community partners whose requirements the CCRSS providers must comply with.  
  • Incorporate new definitions of “communicable disease” and “outbreak” aligning with the Department of Health. 
  • Adopt requirements for providers to comply with nationally recognized infection control standards when providing client care and supports. 
  • Adopt requirements for providers to develop and implement sufficient procedures to identify, prevent, and control infections caused by communicable disease.  
  • Providing staff with the necessary training, supplies, equipment, and protective clothing for preventing and controlling the spread of infections.  
  • Clarifies requirements provider must follow during an outbreak of suspected food poisoning or communicable disease. 


Rulemaking Milestone 



CR-101 Filed 


WSR 23-13-042 

CR-102 Filed 



CR-103 Filed 



CR-104 Filed 



CR-105 Filed 



Public Comment/Hearing 













Meeting Information 

Meeting Date 


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