The Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS), Aging and Long-Term Support Administration (ALTSA), is considering amending WAC 388-97-0920 Participation in resident and family groups, 388-97-1915 Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) requirements prior to admission of new residents, 388-97-1975 PASRR requirements after admission of a resident; and other related rules as may be necessary to codify the timeline for emergency rules in place due to the COVID-19 public emergency. The department is proposing to adopt rules to identify the requirements in place during the COVID-19 pandemic in Washington state. The purpose of the rule change is to ensure consistent implementation and enforcement of rule requirements in effect during the COVID-19 pandemic in Washington state. This rulemaking will provide clarity for regulated facilities and department inspection and investigation staff related to requirements in place during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

DSHS is conducting rulemaking which may amend the following WAC chapters: 

  • Chapter WAC 388-97-0920, Participation in resident and family groups 
  • Chapter WAC 388-97-1915, Preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) requirements prior to admission of new residents 
  • Chapter WAC 388-97-1975, PASRR requirements after admission of a resident  

This Nursing Home rulemaking project will address the following subject: 

  • Establish timeframe when the portions of the rules were suspended during the COVID-19 pandemic, nursing homes were not required to comply with the suspended portions of the rules.  
  • Memorialize 103E filings during pandemic 


Rulemaking Milestone 



CR-101 Filed 


WSR 21-11-062 

CR-102 Filed 



CR-103 Filed 


WSR 23-12-069 

CR-104 Filed 



CR-105 Filed 



Public Comment/Hearing 












Meeting Information 

Meeting Date 


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Active Rulemaking
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