Death with Dignity

The intent is to provide clarity to the resident medication rules, including labeling, documentation, and storage of resident medications, specifically related to the implementation of the Death with Dignity Act. 

The status of this rulemaking project is active

DSHS is conducting rulemaking which may amend the following WAC chapters: 

  • Chapter 388-76 WAC: Adult Family Home Minimum Licensing Requirements
  • Chapter 388-78A WAC: Assisted Living Facility Licensing Rules
  • Chapter 388-107 WAC: Licensing Requirements for Enhanced Services Facilities
  • Chapter 388-97 WAC: Nursing Homes

This rule making project will address the following subjects:

  • Resident medication rules, including labeling, documentation, and storage of resident medications.


Rulemaking Milestone 



CR-101 Filed 


WSR 23-08-038 

CR-102 Filed 



CR-103 Filed 



CR-104 Filed 



CR-105 Filed 



Public Comment/Hearing 













Meeting Information 

Meeting Date 


Topics Covered 



































Other Resources

Active Rulemaking
Program/Facility Type: