The Aging and Long-Term Support Administration (ALTSA) is responsible for Washington state’s nationally recognized system of long-term services and supports serving older adults and people with disabilities. This system includes:
- Home and community-based settings.
- Protections from abuse, neglect and exploitation.
- Regulatory oversight of licensed and certified settings.
- Case management, services, and communication access for the hard of hearing, deaf or deafblind.
Our Mission: Partner with people to access needed support, care, and resources.
Our Partners:
- The people we serve
- Family and Community Advocates
- Caregivers
- Tribes
- State and Federal Agencies
Our Vision: People will find human services to shape their own lives.
Our Values:
- Welcome all with access and inclusion.
- Serve with respect and dignity.
- Collaborate with community.
- Improve services continually.
- Communicate with clarity and choices.