December 10, 2024

Scheduled Hearing Dates: 
December 10, 2024 10:00am

Rule-Making Hearing Docket

Please note: The public hearing on December 10, 2024, will be held online for those interested in attending. Meeting details are as follows:

Microsoft Teams 

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 269 638 370 098

Passcode: cBibCf

Dial in by phone

+1 564-999-2000,,142493468# United States, Olympia

Find a local number

Phone conference ID: 142 493 468#

Select the WAC number to view or print a copy of the CR-102 form and the rule text. Send all comments on the rule to the Rules Coordinator. If you have questions about the rule send a message to the contact person.

Rule Title/Subject Contact Person Washington State Register Citations

Chapters 388-825, 388-828, 388-832 & 388-845 WAC

DDA is proposing amendments to sections from chapters 388-825, 388-828, 388-832, and 388-845 WAC. The purpose of this proposed rulemaking is to update lists of available services, their names, descriptions, limits, and qualified providers, and to increase the individual and family service (IFS) award amounts. These amendments also repeal sections about positive behavior support and consultation, which DDA no longer authorizes as of 9/1/22.

Chantelle Diaz
(360) 407-1589

Preproposal filed as WSR 24-07-054
Proposed rules filed as WSR 24-19-062  

Hearing Date:  December 10, 2024

Contact the DSHS Rules Coordinator to:

  • Ask questions about the hearing, a proposed rule, or the rule-making process;
  • Confirm the day's calendar;
  • Inquire about interpreter services or accommodations for disabilities at hearings; or
  • Submit written comments.

Rules Coordinator

Rules and Policies Assistance Unit
PO Box 45850
Olympia, WA  98504-5850
Phone: (360) 664-6097
Fax: (360) 664-6185
711 Relay Service