Rule Title/Subject |
Contact Person |
Washington State Register Citations |
WACs 388-400-0040 & 388-444-0035 The department is planning to amend the following WAC sections: WAC 388-400-0040, “Am I eligible for benefits through the Washington Basic Food program?” and 388-444-0035, “Who is exempt from ABAWD time limits and minimum work requirements?” and other related rules as may be required. |
Sharon Hill-Laguerre (360) 870-9316 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 25-06-077 |
The Department is planning to amend WAC 388-450-0070, “When do we count a child’s income?” and other rules as may be required. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 25-02-023 |
The department is planning to amend WAC 388-478-0015, “Need standards for cash assistance,” and other rules as may be required. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 25-01-100 |
WACs 388-400-0060, 388-400-0070, 388-449-0200, 388-449-0210 & 388-474-0020 The department is planning to amend the following WAC sections: WAC 388-400-0060, “Who is eligible for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) cash assistance?”, 388-400-0070, “Who is eligible for referral to the housing and essential needs (HEN) program?”, 388-449-0200, “Am I eligible for cash assistance for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) while waiting for supplemental security income (SSI)?”, 388-449-0210, “What is interim assistance and how do I assign it to the department?” and 388-474-0020, “What can an aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) cash assistance client expect when supplemental security income (SSI) benefits begin?” and other related rules as may be required. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 25-01-079 |
The department is planning to amend WAC 388-410-0030, “How does the department calculate and set up my basic food, FAP, or WASHCAP overpayment?” and other related rules as may be required. |
Sharon Hill-Laguerre (360) 870-9316 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 24-21-044 |
The department is planning to amend WAC 388-412-0040, “Can I get my benefits replaced?” and other related rules as may be required. |
Sharon Hill-Laguerre (360) 870-9316 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 24-20-134 |
The department is planning to amend WAC 388-492-0070, “How are my WASHCAP food benefits calculated?” and other related rules as appropriate. |
Alexis Miller (253) 579-3144 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 24-14-141 |
The department is planning to amend WAC 388-449-0080, “Sequential evaluation process step IV—How does the department evaluate if I am able to perform relevant past work?” and other related rules as may be required. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 24-13-124 |
WACs 388-487-0010, 388-487-0020 & 388-487-0030 The department is planning to adopt WAC Chapter 388-487, “SUN Bucks,” to include the following WAC sections: WAC 388-487-0010, “What is the sun bucks program?”, 388-487-0020, “Is my child eligible for sun bucks?”, and 388-487-0030, “General information about sun bucks benefits.” If applicable, these amendments will make additional changes required to improve clarity, update policy, or better align rule language with state and federal law or regulations and create or amend other related rules as appropriate. |
Joyce Hensen (425) 999-5162 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 24-12-024 |
Chapters 388-400, 388-424, 388-436, & 388-466 WAC The department is planning to amend the following WAC sections: WAC 388-400-0030, “Who is eligible for refugee cash assistance?”, 388-424-0001, “Citizenship and immigration status – Definitions.”, 388-424-0006, “Citizenship and alien status – Date of entry.”, 388-424-0015, “Immigration eligibility restrictions for the SFA, ABD cash, and PWA programs.”, 388-424-0020, “How does my alien status impact my eligibility for federally funded Basic Food benefits?”, 388-424-0030, “How does my immigration status impact my eligibility for state-funded benefits under the food assistance program?”, 388-436-0002, “If my family has an emergency, can I get help from DSHS to get or keep our housing or utilities?”, 388-466-0005, “Immigration status requirements for refugee cash assistance.”, 388-466-0120, “Refugee cash assistance (RCA).” and 388-466-0150, “Refugee employment and training services.” During the course of this rule making, the department may amend or adopt other related rules as may be required. |
Sarah Peterson (360) 890-0691 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 24-11-138 |
WACs 388-310-0300, 388-310-1450 & 388-484-0006 The department is planning to amend WAC 388-310-0300 “WorkFirst- Infant care exemptions for mandatory participants,”, 388-310-1450 “Pregnancy to employment,”, 388-484-0006 “TANF/SFA time limit extension,” and other related rules as may be required. Planned amendments support implementation of Substitute House Bill 2007 (Chapter 181, Laws of 2024), effective July 1, 2024, which creates a TANF time limit extension for households caring for a child under the age of two that qualify for an infant, toddler, or postpartum exemption from WorkFirst activities. If applicable, these amendments will make additional changes required to improve clarity, update policy, or better align rule language with state and federal law or regulations. |
Sarah Mintzer (360) 764-0050 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 24-10-030 |
The department is planning to amend WAC 388-432-0005, “Can I get help from DSHS for a family emergency without receiving monthly cash assistance?” and other related rules as may be required. |
Sarah Garcia (360) 522-2214 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 24-09-049 |
The department is planning to amend WAC 388-310-0800, “WorkFirst – Support Services” and other related rules as may be required. |
Gary Fryer (253) 720-5306 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 24-09-048 |
The Division of Child Support (DCS) is proposing to amend WAC 388-14A-3375 (What kinds of credits does the division of child support give when establishing or enforcing an administrative support order?) and other related rules as required to reflect the 2020 repeal of public assistance standards on which DCS calculates a credit available during administrative support establishment procedures to a paying parent for payments towards shelter care. |
Monica Turnbaugh (360) 664-5339 | WSR 24-09-039 |
DCS proposes to amend, adopt or repeal as needed various sections in Chapter 388-14A WAC to make the administrative support establishment process more efficient and user-friendly as we: (1) implement ESSB 6037 (Chapter 6, Laws of 2018, which adopted the 2017 version of the Uniform Parentage Act); and the technical corrections made to that bill by SSB 5333 (Chapter 46, Laws of 2019); as well as (2) update terminology and to clarify and streamline the rules and procedures regarding parentage to conform with current state and federal laws and other related rules as may be needed. |
Monica Turnbaugh (360) 664-5339 | WSR 24-08-063 |
WAC 388-14A-4111, 388-14A-8110 & 388-14A-8120 The Division of Child Support (DCS) is proposing to amend WAC 388-14A-4111, 388-14A-8110, 388-14A-8120, and other related rules as may be needed to reflect that the Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) administers the state’s foster care program, rather than DSHS, and that DCS provides child support services on a foster care case when DCYF refers the case to DCS for action. |
Monica Turnbaugh (360) 664-5339 | WSR 24-08-044 |
The Division of Child Support (DCS) is proposing to amend WAC 388-14A-4900 and other related rules as may be required to implement SB 5842 as enacted during the 2024 Legislative Session (Chapter 126, Laws of 2024), and make other changes as may be necessary. SB 5842 amends RCW 26.23.037 with respect to DCS minimizing the use of social security numbers reported directly to DCS by insurance companies. |
Monica Turnbaugh (360) 664-5339 | WSR 24-07-104 |
The department is planning to amend WAC 388-412-0040, “Can I get my benefits replaced?” and other related rules as may be required. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 24-07-005 |
The department is planning to amend WAC 388-449-0015 “What medical evidence do I need to provide?” and other related rules as may be required. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 24-03-108 |
WACs 388-416-0005 & 388-418-0011 The department is planning to amend the following WAC sections and other related rules as may be required: WAC 388-416-0005 “How long can I get Basic Food?” and 388-418-0011 “What is a mid-certification review, and do I have to complete one in order to keep receiving benefits?” and other related rules as may be required. Planned amendments are necessary to comply with the approved federal waiver for the Elderly Simplified Application Project (ESAP), extending the Basic Food certification period from 12 months to 36 months for households where all members are age 60 or older and/or disabled adults with no earned income. Other related rules as may be required. If applicable, these amendments will make additional changes required to improve clarity, update policy, or better align rule language with state and federal law or regulations. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 24-02-044 |
The department is planning to amend the following WAC sections: 388-408-0020, “When am I not allowed to be in a TANF or SFA assistance unit?”, 388-450-0050, “How does your participation in the community jobs (CJ) program affect your cash assistance and basic food benefits?”, 388-450-0105, “Allocating the income of a financially responsible person included in the assistance unit.”, 388-450-0106, “How does the department count my income if someone in my family cannot get assistance because of their alien status?”, 388-450-0112, “Does the department allocate the income of an ABD cash client to legal dependents?”, 388-450-0113, “Does the department allocate income of a housing and essential needs (HEN) referral recipient to legal dependents?”, 388-450-0115, “Does the department allocate the income of a financially responsible person who is excluded from the assistance unit?”, 388-450-0116, “How does the department count my income if I cannot get assistance because I am an alien?”, 388-450-0120, “Does the department allocate the income of financially responsible parents to a pregnant or parenting minor?”, 388-450-0130, “Does the department allocate the income of a nonapplying spouse to a caretaker relative?”, 388-450-0137, “Does the department allocate income of an ineligible spouse to an ABD cash client?”, 388-450-0138, “Does the department allocate income of an ineligible spouse to a housing and essential needs (HEN) referral recipient?”, 388-450-0170, “Does the department provide an earned income deduction as an incentive for persons who receive TANF/SFA to work?”, 388-450-0177, “Does the department offer an income deduction for the ABD cash program as an incentive for clients to work?”, 388-450-0178, “Does the department offer an income deduction for housing and essential needs (HEN) referral applicants and recipients as an incentive to work?” and 388-478-0035, “What are the maximum earned income limits for TANF, SFA, PWA, and RCA?” The department may amend other related rules as required. Effective August 1, 2024, planned amendments will incorporate changes to earned income disregards for cash assistance programs, per Second Substitute House Bill 1447 (Chapter 418, Laws of 2023). If applicable, these amendments will make additional changes required to improve clarity, update policy, or better align rule language with state and federal law or regulations. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 24-02-043 |
The department is planning to amend WAC 388-478-0015, “Need standards for cash assistance.” and other related rules as may be required. Planned amendments will update standards of need for cash assistance programs as required annually by RCW 74.04.770. As needed, planned amendments will also make additional changes required to improve clarity, update policy, or better align rule language with state and federal law or regulations. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 24-02-035 |
WACs 388-439-0020 & 388-439-0025 The department is planning to amend the following WAC sections: 388-439-0020, “Eligibility for pandemic EBT benefits for children under age six.” and 388-439-0025, “Eligibility for pandemic EBT benefits during the 2023 summer period.” and other related rules as appropriate. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 24-01-094 |
The department is planning to amend WAC 388-478-0055, “How much do I get from my state supplemental payments (SSP)?” and other related rules as appropriate. Federal law (C.F.R. 20 §416.2095 through §416.2099) requires the department to maintain a minimum threshold of state spending towards SSI state supplement payment benefits each calendar year in order to continue to draw down federal Medicaid funds. The department may propose modifying rules in order to stay within available state funds to support this spending requirement. As needed, planned amendments will make additional changes required to improve clarity, update policy, or better align rule language with state and federal law or regulations. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 23-24-068 |
WACs 388-450-0185, 388-450-0190, 388-450-0195 & 388-478-0060 The department is planning to amend WAC 388-450-0185, What income deductions does the department allow when determining if I am eligible for food benefits and the amount of my monthly benefits?, 388-450-0190, How does the department figure my shelter cost income deduction for basic food?, 388-450-0195, Does the department use my utility costs when calculating my basic food or WASHCAP benefits?, and 388-478-0060, What are the income limits and maximum benefit amounts for basic food? and other related rules as appropriate. The US Department of Agriculture, Food, and Nutrition Services has issued annual updates to standards for the federal fiscal year 2024, effective October 1, 2023. These updates affect the standard deduction, shelter deduction, homeless shelter deduction, utility deduction, minimum and maximum allotments, and resource limits for the Basic Food program. As needed, planned amendments will also make additional changes required to improve clarity, update policy, or better align rule language with state and federal law or regulations. |
Alexis Miller (253) 579-3144 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 23-22-053 |
The department is planning to amend the following WAC sections and other related rules as may be required: WAC 388-412-0025, “How do I receive my benefits?”, 388-450-0162, “How does the department count my income to determine if my assistance unit is eligible and how does the department calculate the amount of my cash and basic food benefits?”, 388-450-0165, “Gross earned income limit for TANF/SFA.”, 388-450-0200, “Will the medical expenses of elderly persons or individuals with disabilities in my assistance unit be used as an income deduction for basic food?”, 388-450-0225, “How are my assistance unit's benefits calculated for the first month I am eligible for cash assistance?”, 388-455-0015, “When and how does the department treat lump sum payments as income for cash assistance programs?”, 388-473-0010, “What are ongoing additional requirements and how do I qualify?”, 388-473-0020, “When do we authorize meals as an ongoing additional requirement?”, 388-473-0040, “Food for service animals as an ongoing additional requirement.”, 388-473-0050, “Telephone services as an ongoing additional requirement.”, 388-473-0060, “Laundry as an ongoing additional requirement.”, 388-478-0050, “Payment standards for ongoing additional requirements.” The department is also planning to create the following WAC sections: 388-473-XXXX, “Transportation as an ongoing additional requirement.” and 388-473-XXXX, “Medical related items or services as an ongoing additional requirement.” Effective April 1, 2024, individuals with an incapacity who are eligible for the Housing and Essential Needs Referral program (via WAC 388-400-0070) are potentially eligible for ongoing additional requirements (OAR). Payment standards for existing OAR benefits will increase, and new OAR benefits will be added to assist with things such as transportation and medical related items not covered by insurance. As needed, planned amendments will make additional changes required to improve clarity, update policy, or better align rule language with state and federal law or regulations. The Operating Budget (ESSB 5187: Chapter 475, Laws of 2023) includes funding to support this change. |
Evelyn Acopan (253) 778-2381 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 23-20-093 |
WACs 388-450-0185, 388-450-0190, 388-450-0195 & 388-478-0060 The department is planning to amend WAC 388-450-0185, what income deductions does the department allow when determining if I am eligible for food benefits and the amount of my monthly benefits?, 388-450-0190, How does the department figure my shelter cost income deduction for basic food?, 388-450-0195, Does the department use my utility costs when calculating my basic food or WASHCAP benefits?, and 388-478-0060, what are the income limits and maximum benefit amounts for basic food?, and other related rules as appropriate. |
Alexis Miller (253) 579-3144 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 23-20-073 **WITHDRAWN with WSR 23-22-052** |
WACs 388-444-0030 & 388-444-0035 The department is planning to amend WAC 388-444-0030 “Are able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWD) subject to additional work requirements and time limits to be eligible for basic food?” and 388-444-0035 “Who is exempt from ABAWD time limits and minimum work requirements?” and other related rules as appropriate. Planned amendments are necessary to comply with federal regulatory changes under the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023, effective September 1, 2023. As needed, planned amendments will also make additional changes required to improve clarity, update policy, or better align rule language with state and federal law or regulations. |
Troy Burgess (360) 725-4634 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 23-18-018 |
The department is planning to amend WAC 388-60B-0015, “What definitions apply to this chapter?”, 388-60B-0025, “What is the purpose of this chapter?”, 388-60B-0120, “Facility requirements—What facility requirements must a program meet for the space where domestic violence intervention assessments or treatment services are provided?”, 388-60B-0125, “Quality management—What are the minimum treatment outcomes for participants and how must a program measure staff and treatment effectiveness?”, 388-60B-0315, “Group treatment—What standards must programs follow regarding the provision of group treatment?”, 388-60B-0325, “Victim safety—What steps must programs take in order to help increase victim safety?”, 388-60B-0345, “Participant requirements-What must the program require of participants accepted into a domestic violence intervention treatment program?”, and 388-60B-0500, “On-site reviews and plans of correction—How does the department review certified programs for compliance with the regulations of this chapter?”, and other rules as may be required. Planned amendments will allow domestic violence intervention treatment (DVIT) programs to provide services via HIPAA compliant video sessions, when certain standards are met. This filing is in response to a rule-making petition received from a consortium of DVIT providers seeking to preserve the ability to provide treatment through virtual platforms, which began during pandemic-related shutdowns. If applicable, these amendments will make additional changes required to improve clarity, update policy, or better align rule language with state and federal law or regulations. |
Amie Roberts 360-790-1483 | WSR 23-18-016 |
WACs 388-447-0001 & 388-449-0001 The department is planning to amend WAC 388-449-0001, What are the disability requirements for the aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) program?, 388-447-0001, What are the incapacity requirements for referral to the housing and essential needs (HEN) program?, and other related rules as may be required. These amendments will clarify program rules regarding disability requirements for ABD cash and incapacity requirements for HEN Referral program. If applicable, planned amendments will also make additional changes required to improve clarity, update policy, or better align rule language with state and federal law or regulations. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 23-16-126 |
WACs 388-418-0005, 388-470-0005, 388-470-0045 & 388-470-0070 The department is planning to amend WAC 388-418-0005, How will I know what changes to report?, 388-470-0005, How do resources affect my eligibility for cash assistance and basic food?, 388-470-0045, How do my resources count toward the resource limits for cash assistance?, 388-470-0070, How vehicles are counted toward the resource limit for cash assistance., and other related rules as appropriate. Effective February 1, 2024, planned amendments will expand resource exemptions for CSD cash programs and increase the cash resource limit from $6,000 to $12,000. These amendments are necessary to implement Second Substitute House Bill 1447 (Chapter 418, Laws of 2023). If needed, planned amendments will also make additional changes required to improve clarity, update policy, or better align rule language with state and federal law or regulations. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 23-16-024 |
WACs 388-474-0012 & 388-478-0055 The department is planning to amend WAC 388-474-0012, What is a state supplemental payment and who can get it?, 388-478-0055, How much do I get from my state supplemental payments (SSP)?, and other related rules as appropriate. Planned amendments will update the SSP standard rate for individuals who are receiving care in a medical institution or residential setting. This rate is based off the Washington state institutional personal needs allowance (PNA) standard which will increase due to the passage of HB 1128 (Chapter 201, Laws of 2023), effective July 1, 2023. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 23-14-068 |
WACs 388-418-0005, 388-470-0005, 388-470-0045 & 388-470-0070 The department is planning to amend WAC 388-418-0005, How will I know what changes to report?, 388-470-0005, How do resources affect my eligibility for cash assistance and basic food?, 388-470-0045, How do my resources count toward the resource limits for cash assistance?, 388-470-0070, How vehicles are counted toward the resource limit for cash assistance, and other related rules as appropriate. Effective February 1, 2024, planned amendments will expand resource exemptions for CSD cash programs and increase the cash resource limit from $6,000 to $12,000. These amendments are necessary to implement Second Substitute House Bill 1447 (Chapter 418, Laws of 2023). |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 23-14-006 **WITHDRAWN with WSR 23-16-023** |
WACs 388-484-0005 & 388-484-0006 The department is planning to amend WAC 388-484-0005, There is a five-year (sixty-month) time limit for TANF, SFA, and GA-S cash assistance and 388-484-0006, TANF/SFA time limit extensions; and other related rules as may be required. Planned amendments will remove the 60-month time limit for child-only TANF and SFA households with an ineligible parent, per 2SHB 1447 (Chapter 418, Laws of 2023). |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 23-13-093 |
WACs 388-447-0120 & 388-449-0220 The department is planning to amend WAC 388-447-0120, How does alcohol or drug dependence affect my eligibility for referral to the housing and essential needs (HEN) program?, and 388-449-0220, How does alcohol or drug dependence affect my eligibility for the ABD cash and pregnant women assistance programs?, and other related rules as may be required. Due to the passage of ESHB 1260 (Chapter 289, Laws of 2023), planned amendments will expand good cause reasons for not participating in substance use disorder assessment or treatment as a condition of eligibility for the ABD, HEN Referral, and PWA programs, effective July 23, 2023. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 23-13-026 |
The department is planning to amend WAC 388-310-1600, WorkFirst-Sanctions, and other related rules as appropriate. Planned amendments will support implementation of 2SHB 1447 (Chapter 418, Laws of 2023), which adds a good cause reason for failure to participate in WorkFirst program activities if a recipient is experiencing a hardship as defined by the department in rule. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 23-13-025 |
WACs 388-436-0050, 388-478-0020, 388-478-0027, 388-478-0033 & 388-478-0035 The department is planning to amend WAC 388-436-0050, Determining financial need and benefit amount for CEAP, 388-478-0020, Payment standards for TANF, SFA, and RCA, 388-478-0027, What is the payment standard for pregnant women assistance (PWA)?, 388-478-0033, What are the payment standards for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) cash assistance?, 388-478-0035, What are the maximum earned income limits for TANF, SFA, PWA, and RCA?, and other related rules as may be required. Planned amendments will implement an 8% payment standard increase (effective January 1, 2024) for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), State Family Assistance (SFA), Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA), Aged, Blind, or Disabled cash assistance (ABD), and Pregnant Women Assistance (PWA) programs, as approved via the 2024-2025 Operating Budget. Amendments will also update net income limits and allowable benefit amounts for the Consolidated Emergency Assistance Program (CEAP). |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 23-12-062 |
WACs 388-408-0035, 388-450-0140, 388-489-0005 & 388-489-0010 The Department is planning to amend WAC 388-408-0035, Who is in my assistance unit for basic food?, 388-450-0140, How does the income of an ineligible assistance unit member affect my eligibility and benefits for basic food?, 388-489-0005, Who is eligible for transitional food assistance?, 388-489-0010, How is my transitional food assistance benefit calculated? and other related rules as required. Effective January 1, 2024, planned amendments will implement SSB 5785 (Chapter 98, Laws of 2022) and allow DSHS to provide transitional food assistance (TFA) for a period of five months to households that stop receiving temporary assistance for needy families and are not in full-family sanction status. If a household member has been in WorkFirst sanction, but the household is still receiving benefits, the remaining eligible household members may receive TFA. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 23-10-057 |
The department is planning to amend WAC 388-400-0005, Who is eligible for temporary assistance for needy families? and other rules as may be required. Planned amendments will remove WorkFirst orientation as a condition of TANF eligibility. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 23-10-032 **WITHDRAWN with WSR 24-07-103** |
The department is proposing to amend WAC 388-412-0040, Can I get my benefits replaced? and other related rules as appropriate. Planned amendments will authorize replacement of skimmed or stolen Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, pending final approval of our 2023 State Plan for the Replacement of Stolen EBT Benefits. Planned amendments will also authorize replacement of state Food Assistance Program (FAP) benefits. In addition, these amendments will update WAC language to align with federal rules as needed. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 23-10-018 |
The department plans to adopt new WAC section(s) in title 388 WAC – 388-xxx-xxxx, Diaper Related Payment (DRP), and adopt or amend other related rules as may be required. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 23-06-055 |
The department is planning to amend WAC 388-478-0015, Need standards for cash assistance, and other related rules as may be required. Planned amendments will update standards of need for cash assistance programs as required annually by RCW 74.04.770. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 23-06-040 |
The department is planning to amend WAC 388-460-0005, Can I choose someone to apply for basic food for my assistance unit? and other related rules as appropriate. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 22-22-020 |
WAC 388-450-0015, 388-470-0045 & 388-470-0055 The department is planning to amend WAC 388-450-0015, What types of income are not used by the department to figure out my benefits?, 388-470-0045, How do my resources count towards the resource limits for cash assistance?, 388-470-0055, How do my resources count towards the resource limit for basic food? and other related rules as may be required. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 22-21-071 |
WAC 388-412-0015, 388-450-0185, 388-450-0190, 388-450-0195, 388-470-0005 & 388-478-0060 The department is adopting emergency amendments to WAC 388-412-0015, General information about your food assistance allotments, 388-450-0185, What income deductions does the department allow when determining if I am eligible for food benefits and the amount of my monthly benefits?, 388-450-0190, How does the department figure my shelter cost income deduction for basic food?, 388-450-0195, Does the department use my utility costs when calculating my basic food or WASHCAP benefits?, 388-470-0005, How do resources affect my eligibility for cash assistance and basic food?, and 388-478-0060, What are the income limits and maximum benefit amounts for basic food? and other related rules as appropriate. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 22-20-084 |
The department is planning to amend WAC 388-444-0055, What are the penalties if I refuse or fail to meet Basic Food work requirements? and other related rules as appropriate. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 22-20-075 |
The department is planning to amend the following rules and any related rules as may be required: WAC 388-400-0060, Who is eligible for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) cash assistance?, 388-400-0070, Who is eligible for referral to the housing and essential needs (HEN) program?, 388-434-0005, How often does the department review my eligibility for benefits?, 388-449-0001, What are the disability requirements for the aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) program?, 388-449-0200, Am I eligible for cash assistance for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) while waiting for supplemental security income (SSI)?, 388-452-0005, Do I have to be interviewed in order to get cash and basic food benefits?, 388-478-0006, The clothing, personal maintenance, and necessary incidentals (CPI) payment standard for cash assistance., and 388-478-0033, What are the payment standards for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) cash assistance? |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 22-17-114 |
DCS proposes to amend, adopt, or repeal as needed various sections in Chapter 388-14A WAC to make the administrative support establishment process more efficient and user-friendly as we: (1) implement ESSB 6037 (Chapter 6, Laws of 2018, which adopted the 2017 version of the Uniform Parentage Act), and the technical corrections made to that bill by SSB 5333 (Chapter 46, Laws of 2019), as well as (2) update terminology and to clarify and streamline the rules and procedures regarding parentage to conform with current state and federal laws. |
Brady Horenstein (360) 664-5291 |
WSR 22-15-050 **WITHDRAWN with WSR 24-04-078** |
The department is planning to amend WAC 388-484-0006, TANF/SFA time limit extensions. During this rule-making, other related rules may be identified and amended as be required. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 22-14-060 |
The department is planning to amend WAC 388-454-0006, “The department makes background checks on adults who are acting in place of a parent without court-ordered custody” and other related rules as may be required. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 22-14-027 |
WACs 388-424-0001, 388-424-0020, 388-466-0005 The department is planning to amend the following WAC sections: 388-424-0001, “Citizenship and immigration status–Definitions.” 388-424-0020, “How does my alien status impact my eligibility for federally funded Basic Food benefits?” 388-466-0005, “Immigration status requirements for refugee cash assistance.” And other related rules as may be required. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 22-14-025 |
WACs 388-400-0030, 388-466-0120, -0150 The department is planning to amend WAC 388-400-0030, Who is eligible for refugee cash assistance?; 388-466-0120, Refugee cash assistance (RCA); 388-466-0150, Refugee employment and training services, and other related rules as may be appropriate. |
(360) 725-4641 |
WSR 22-13-020 |
WACs 388-410-0020, -0030, & 388-446-0015 The department is planning to amend WAC 388-410-0020, “What happens if I receive more basic food, FAP, or WASHCAP benefits than I am supposed to receive?”; WAC 388-410-0030, “How does the department calculate and set up my basic food, FAP, or WASHCAP overpayment?”; WAC 388-446-0015, “What is an intentional program violation (IPV) and administrative disqualification hearing (ADH) for basic food?”; and other related rules as required. |
Carolyn Horlor (360) 725-4610, (360) 764-0676 |
WSR 22-13-019 |
The department is planning to amend WAC 388-424-0015, Immigrant eligibility restrictions for the state family assistance, ABD cash, and PWA programs, and other related rules as may be required. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 22-11-081 |
WAC 388-418-0011, 388-447-0130, 388-449-0230, 388-400-0060 The department is planning to amend WAC 388-418-0011, What is a mid-certification review, and do I have to complete one in order to keep receiving benefits?; 388-447-0130, What referral to the housing and essential needs (HEN) program rules may the department implement during a state of emergency?; 388-449-0230, What aged, blind or disabled (ABD) program rules may the department implement during a state of emergency?; 388-400-0060, Who is eligible for aged, blind or disabled (ABD) cash assistance?; and other related rules as may be required. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 22-11-083 |
The department is planning to amend WAC 388-310-0800, WorkFirst - Support Services, and other related rules as may be required. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 22-11-082 |
The department is planning to adopt WAC 388-434-0015, Waiving mid-certification reviews during the COVID-19 pandemic, and other related rules as may be required. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 22-10-008 **WITHDRAWN with WSR 23-22-054** |
WAC 388-436-0050 & WAC 388-478-0005 The department is planning to amend WAC 388-436-0050, Determining financial need and benefit amount for CEAP; WAC 388-478-0005, Cash assistance need and payment standards and grant maximum; and other related rules as may be required. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 22-09-072 |
The department is planning to amend WAC 388-310-1450, Pregnancy to employment; and other related rules as may be required. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 22-09-052 |
The department is proposing to amend WAC 388-478-0033, What are the payment standards for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) cash assistance?; and other related rules as may be required. In anticipation of enactment of the 2021-2023 supplemental operating budget, which includes funding to increase the ABD payment standard as of September 1, 2022, planned amendments to WAC 388-478-0033 will reflect the updated payment standard. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
WSR 22-08-069 |
The department is planning to amend WAC 388-478-0015, Need standards for cash |
Patrick Budde (360) 764-0068 |
WSR 22-04-108 |
The department is planning to amend WAC 388-422-0020, What if you are afraid that cooperating with the division of child support (DCS) may be dangerous for you or the child in your care?; and other related rules as may be required. |
Sarah Garcia (360) 522-2214 |
WSR 22-04-106 |
The Division of Child Support is proposing to amend WAC 388-14A-3375 What kinds of credits does the division of child support give when establishing or enforcing an administrative support order? |
Brady Horenstein (360) 664-5291 |
WSR 21-20-048 **WITHDRAWN with WSR 23-16-150** |