Employment is closely related to housing stability and can have a positive effect on a person’s capacity to maintain stable housing. Employment also has health benefits, including increasing the likelihood of successful Mental Health recovery or Substance Use Disorder rehabilitation.
Supported Employment Services is a program that helps Home and Community Services clients who want to work and meet the Foundational Community Supports criteria to become employed in integrated community employment.
Supported Employment services are person- centered to the client and will involve an employment provider’s assistance. The provider will enable them to use their skills, interests, abilities, and past work history to develop an employment plan and support them to achieve paid employment in their community. The client will receive benefits planning services to address how income will impact their benefits such as Social Security, Medicaid (including long- term care services), housing supports, and other state and federal benefits to help them make an informed decision about seeking paid employment. Services include exploring different work opportunities, putting together a resume, looking for work, support to learn a new job, and long term supports to keep the job.
Talk to your case manager, social worker, community choice guide, or one of our Supported Employment Program managers at supportedemployment@dshs.wa.gov or call 1-844-427-8256.
Supported Employment Resources
LTC Manual Chapter 30c: Foundational Community Supports - Supported Employment