Who to Contact to Find Local Services

The types of services that help an adult remain at home.

Finding other places to live and get care if the adult can no longer live at home.

Ways to stay independent as long as possible.

The types of care (services and programs) available for an adult is different in each community. Who to contact to know what services and programs are available locally depends on where the person who needs the care lives, how old he/she is, and whether or not state funding is needed to help pay for care.

For people 60 and Older

Senior Information and Assistance (I & A) is a free information and referral service for adults 60 and over and for family and friends helping care for the older adult.

Find your local I & A office. Learn more about what your local I & A office can do for you.

Community Living Connections

Washington residents can learn about and access the full range of private and public long-term service and support options through the Community Living Connections website and toll free phone line. Whether you are looking for help for yourself or help for a loved one, it will be easy to locate services that best fit your needs.  Visit www.waclc.org or call 1-855-567-0252.

For People Under 60

If the person is between the ages of 18 and 59, contact your local Home & Community Service Office (HCS) for assistance. Learn more about what your local HCS office can do for you.

For Adults Who Need Medicaid or Other State Funding

If you think state funding (Medicaid) may be needed to help pay for are services, contact your local Home and Community Services (HCS) office.

For People Living with a Developmental Disability

If the person needing care is an adult living with a developmental disability, see the Developmental Disabilities Administration Local Offices (DDA) for the phone number and location of the nearest local office or DDA Services for a list of services that may be available.