Washington State Council on Aging (SCOA)

The Washington State Council on Aging (SCOA) is a unified voice across Washington for senior citizens. SCOA is a unique advocacy group in the arena of senior issues.

  • Members are appointed by the Governor and Area Agency on Aging Advisory Councils and are charged with advising the Governor, the DSHS Secretary and the Assistant Secretary of ALTSA. (RCW 43.20A.695)
  • This connection brings the State Council on Aging inside perspective on matters concerning seniors and people with disabilities.
  • We have a statewide perspective and speak as one voice.
  • Members are made up of representative of local communities, from Area Agencies on Aging Advisory Councils, cities & counties, the legislature, and the long-term services and supports field.
  • The makeup of the membership provides the Council with a built-in communications and outreach platform that reaches all corners of the state.

Advocacy and Outreach

Statistics and Trends

Legislative Priorities


Administrative / Member Resources

Documents and Resources

For More Information

For further information contact: Cameron Akita, State Unit on Aging Program Manager,  Cameron.Akita@dshs.wa.gov or 360-725-2466