Traumatic Brain Injury

What is Traumatic Brain Injury or TBI? A Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is an injury that affects how the brain works. Anyone can experience a TBI or find themselves in a position of caretaking for someone experiencing a TBI. Traumatic brain injuries affect people of all ages and backgrounds. 

DSHS is committed to increasing public awareness of TBI and connecting the TBI community to Information and Referral, resources, and person-driven support.  

To learn more and get connected, choose one: 

Center for Disease Control (CDC) studies show that certain demographics are more likely to experience a traumatic brain injury:

Information, Referral, Resources 

WA211 ( is the provider for DSHS TBI Information and Referral Services. 

Information and Referral, also known as I&R, provides information about services and assists in connecting with the supportive resources and services they are seeking. 

The first step to getting SUPPORT and getting CONNECTED to the best local resources for your needs. With dozens of agencies and organizations – where do you start? 

Washington 2-1-1 is a free confidential service accessed by: 

  • CALL 2-1-1 or (877) 211-9274 or online 

A person is connected with a Community Resource Specialist who is trained to actively listen and understand the person’s needs for access to more than 30,000 resources. Community Resource Specialist can link to existing public, private, and local area services. 

Wa 211 Information and Referral - Help is just a contact away - YouTube

Three Ways to Connect – Dial 911, 988, 211 to Get Support 

Call 988 for the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. Seek help during a crisis, emotional support, referrals, and resources.  Depression, suicidal thoughts, and other mental health concerns can affect anyone.  

TBI Events and Resources 

TBI Learning and Support Resources Flyer (pdf) - Information and links to materials and resources. 

TBI Events Portal - Information about no cost Brain Injury Workshops and Education, to include a library of past recordings and upcoming workshop and webinar events.