I am a Provider

Are you a provider that supports the TBI community? 

Here are some TBI Resources:

TBI - BH ECHO – Connecting Frontline Providers with Experts (uw.edu)  ECHO connects service providers and professionals with virtual trainings to support patients, clients, caregivers, and families. Trauma-informed interactive learning with experts in TBI case consultation and care coordination.  Monthly online clinic held 1st and 3rd Fridays 12-1:30 pm. 

Skill Builder - TBI Skill Builder is a free online workforce development training for providers, facilities staff, homecare staff, social workers, families and anyone working with adults that have a TBI.  Skill Builder is a 4–5-hour course that is completed at your own pace.  Available 24/7.  

If you are a long-term care professional working in an adult family home, assisted living facility, enhanced services facility and/or in-home care settings, check out CareLearn Washington – a free online training portal to help you access convenient, affordable and quality online training. 

Person-Centered Care and Practices  Learn more how Person-centered practices are used as part of an ongoing process to help people for their future. Through person-centered practices, the focus is on the person, their goals, empowerment, and their vision of what they would like to do in the future. 

Screening for TBI among individuals that experience DV can potentially reduce the physical, behavioral, and cognitive consequences of a TBI by identifying those individuals that require more extensive medical care.  Individuals living with DV may find it difficult to recover from a TBI. The high probability of recurrent physical injuries without any medical intervention facilitates a situation where individuals are more likely to experience severe TBI-related symptoms over a prolonged period. Screening for TBI among victims of DV is essential. A brief assessment tool designed to be used by professionals who are not TBI experts is known as HELPS Screening Tool. 

TBI Specialty Training 

Updated Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Management Guideline for Adults | Concussion | Traumatic Brain Injury | CDC Injury Center