If you are helping care for a family member or friend, you are not alone! More than 820,000 Washington State citizens provide care to an adult who needs help with care. Below are a variety of ways to find some information, resources, and people that can help.
Caregiver Support is a Phone Call Away
Talk to caring people for practical caregiving information and help finding local resources/services by calling your local Community Living Connections/Area Agency on Aging or Home and Community Services Office.
- The Family Caregiver Support Program is a service available to unpaid caregivers of adults who need care. Staff at local offices throughout Washington can give you practical information and advice and connect you to local resources/services that meet your needs. Services are free or low cost.
- Two programs, MAC and TSOA, offers free services for unpaid family caregivers of adults (age 55 and older) who need care, or to individuals without unpaid caregivers. Contact your local Community Living Connections/Area Agency on Aging or Home and Community Services Offices.
Additional Resources
- Family Caregiver Handbook
- Family Caregiver Learning Portal
Free learning platform for Unpaid Family Caregivers in Washington. Offers skill-based training so you can provide safer, more informed care for your family member or friend. Available 24 hours each day, in English and Spanish. All information developed by professionals. Information and advice regarding caregiving skills like safe lifting and transferring techniques, disease specific advice and much more, including Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias. Also, support groups and community chat rooms where family caregivers can get advice or just have discussions with other family caregivers. - CareLearn Washington
Serving People Who Provide Assistance and Care for a Family Member or Friend CareLearn Washington provides access to free online training for people who help family members and friends with tasks like personal care needs, supervision, and transportation. - Caring for a Person with Alzheimer's Disease or Other Dementia
- Caring For Mom and Dad
- Caring for an Adult Who Lives Far Away (long distance caregiving)
- Caring for a Person with Hearing Loss
- Caring for a Relative's Child (Kinship Care)
- MAC and TSOA Brochure (PDF)
Taking Care of Yourself
- The Importance of Self Care
- Caregiver Support Groups
- Managing Stress
- Depression
- Respite Care
- Caregiver Training
Providing Day-To-Day Care
- Basics of Providing Care
- How A Disease Impacts Care
- Prescription Medications (help paying for, factsheets etc.)
- Working with Doctors
- Driving
- Incontinence
General Information
Carina helps individuals, families and home care professionals find qualified, verified caregivers and more hours. Find out more about this free resource at www.carina.org/.