Social and Human Services


ODHH services are provided to Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafPlus, Hard of Hearing & Late Deafened community members statewide through seven Regional Service Centers and the DeafBlind Service Center.

Access, Advocacy, and Resources

ODHH Case Mangers and local resource centers provide a variety of services including supporting access, advocacy with other service providers, and providing information about available resources so community members can work toward self-autonomy and self-sufficiency.

Community Education

Regional Service Centers offer free training activities to Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafPlus, Hard of Hearing and Late Deafened community members as a learning opportunity to maintain their financial stability, health and safety. Businesses, schools, government agencies and non-profits can request for free Community Education classes to learn about improving access of their programs and services to Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafPlus, Hard of Hearing and Late Deafened community members.

Information and Referral

In response to public requests, Regional Service Centers are here to provide information regarding services or resources available to Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafPlus, Hard of Hearing and Late Deafened, including but not limited to:

  • Sign language classes
  • Getting a hearing aid
  • Mental health services
  • American with Disabilities Act and related laws 

At the request of community members, Regional Service Centers provide referrals to other professionals, organizations, programs or services who may serve their needs.


Outreach services are provided to enhance public awareness about resources, services and programs available at Regional Service Centers.

Support Service Provider (SSP)

Support Service Providers are trained, sighted guides who provide DeafBlind Community Members visual and environment information. DeafBlind Community Members are able to make own informed decisions and fully participate in the community.

The Regional Service Center webpage has the location and contact information for each service center.