2019 Employee Engagement Survey

May 2020 |
Online Library

The 2019 survey shows overall declines in employee engagement since the last major survey. Compared to 2017, there were statistically significant declines in positive responses to nine of the 24 items included in both surveys and only one statistically significant increase. Although down compared to the record-high positivity seen in 2017, the current survey compares favorably to years prior to 2017. The response rate in 2019 was 81%, the highest level of participation since the survey began in 2002. Survey results show opportunities for positive change, and in some cases, important challenges. Many of the opportunities and challenges are specific to administrations and major units, and are the subject of action planning at every level of the organization.

The Employee Engagement Survey is an important component of Governor Inslee’s Results Washington initiative for performance management and continuous improvement. Survey results are used as the primary outcome measure for the goal to “Increase Washington as an employer of choice” under Goal 5: Effective, efficient and accountable government.

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