2013 Employee Survey

Apr 2014 |
Online Library

11,390 employees completed the 2013 Employee Survey. They addressed communication, supervisor/manager support, fairness and diversity, job satisfaction, and business practices. The 2013 survey responses mirror the slow but steady economic recovery. The overall survey trend was upward, and pointed to a gradual lessening of employees’ uncertainty and fears about layoffs, pay and benefit reductions, loss of vital resources, and inability to meet client needs. Overall job satisfaction has increased, as have measures of employee engagement, communication, recognition, and support. As in past surveys, employees consider helping clients to be the most important and fulfilling aspect of their work. There remains considerable room for additional improvement in many areas, including communication and employee engagement. Governor Inslee has made the results of the Employee Survey an important component of the Results Washington data-driven performance management and continuous improvement system. This includes a statewide initiative to address employee concerns and increase employee survey scores in future surveys.

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