ALTSA Provider/Administrator Letters

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Provider Type Letter Date Subject Status Notes
NH 021-029 04/09/2021 QSO-21-15-ALL Updated Guidance for Emergency Preparedness - Appendix Z of the State Operations Manual Current
ICFIID 021-029 06/17/2021 Expiration of Eviction Moratorium Current
ESF 021-029 06/18/2021 Passed Legislation and Beginning Rule-Making Projects Current
CCRSS 021-029 06/18/2021 Passed Legislation and Beginning Rule-Making Projects Current
CCRSS 021-029 06/18/2021 Passed Legislation and Beginning Rule-Making Projects Current
ALF 021-029 05/26/2021 Source Control Regardless of Vaccination Status Current
AFH 021-029 05/21/2021 CR-103P Adult Family Home Rule Filing Current
NH 021-028 04/09/2021 CR-103E Filed to Extend Emergency Rules Amending or Suspending Some NH Requirements Current
ICFIID 021-028 06/16/2021 Discontinuation of Rapid Response Team Current
ESF 021-028 06/17/2021 Expiration of Eviction Moratorium Current
CCRSS 021-028 06/17/2021 Expiration of Eviction Moratorium Current
ALF 021-028 05/14/2021 BYD DE2322 RESPIRATORS Current
AFH 021-028 05/14/2021 BYD DE2322 RESPIRATORS Current
NH 021-027 03/31/2021 Reimplementation of Surveys, Inspections and Evaluations Current

Amended 04/08/2021

ICFIID 021-027 06/14/2021 Clarifying Information Regarding Compliance with W127 Current
ESF 021-027 06/16/2021 Discontinuation of Rapid Response Team Current
CCRSS 021-027 06/16/2021 Discontinuation of Rapid Response Team Current
ALF 021-027 05/06/2021 Changes to WSP RAP Sheet Current
AFH 021-027 05/06/2021 Changes to WSP RAP Sheet Current
NH 021-026 03/30/2021 24-Hour Registered Nurse Staffing Requirement Update Current
ICFIID 021-026 05/26/2021 Source Control Regardless of Vaccination Status Current
ESF 021-026 05/26/2021 Source Control Regardless of Vaccination Status Current
CCRSS 021-026 05/28/2021 Emergency Rules Suspending TB Testing Current
ALF 021-026 05/06/2021 Medication Assistance Rules Current
AFH 021-026 05/06/2021 Medication Assistance Rules Current