ALTSA Provider/Administrator Letters

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Provider Type Letter Date Subject Status(asc) Notes
ESF 022-020 06/16/2022 RCS Transition to Paperless Work During Inspections in LTC Settings Current
ESF 021-009 02/18/2021 Interim Recommendations for Co-administration of COVID-19 Vaccine and Other Vaccinations Current
ESF 020-005 03/17/2020 COVID-19 Information as of March 17, 2020 Current

Amended April 8, 2020

ESF 023-014 04/14/2023 Rapid Response Teams for Short-Term Staffing in Long-Term Care Setting Current
ESF 021-041 09/02/2021 Rapid Response Team 2 Short Term Staffing Current
ESF 020-036 10/07/2020 COVID-19 Proclamations Extended Until 11:59 OM November 9, 2020 Current
ESF 024-021 07/12/2024 Upcoming Training Opportunity: Substance Use Disorder 101 Current
ESF 017-004 07/07/2017 Background Check System (BCS) Project Current
ESF 022-021 06/24/2022 New DOH Long-Term Care Visitation Resources Current
ESF 021-010 02/18/2021 Travel Advisory/Restrictions and Governor's Proclamation 20-83 Current

Superseded by 020-008

ESF 023-015 04/28/2023 Emergency Rules Filed to Amend Long-Term Care Worker Continuing Education Deadlines Current
ESF 021-042 09/03/2021 Continued Use of Eye Protection to Prevent COVID-19 Infection to Protect Yourself and the People You Serve Current
ESF 020-038 11/13/2020 POSTPONED: RCS Reimplementation of Inspection and Investigation Activities Current


ESF 024-022 07/12/2024 Guidance for 911 Outages Current
ESF 017-005 09/29/2017 Background Check: Interim Fingerprint Check Notification Current
ESF 022-022 06/30/2022 Prepare for the End of Proclamation 20-10 Related to CPR Training Under Chapter 388-112 WAC Current
ESF 021-011 02/18/2021 Standing Order for COVID-19 Screening in Certain Congregate Facilities, Homes and Agencies Current
ESF 020-007 04/03/2020 Emergency Rules Suspending TB Testing Current
ESF 023-016 05/19/2023 Launch of CareLearn Retention Toolkit Current
ESF 021-043 09/03/2021 Governor Proclamation on Mandatory Vaccination Current
ESF 020-039 10/23/2020 Pharmacy Partnership for LTC Program for COVID-19 Vaccination Current
ESF 024-023 07/25/2024 Emergency Preparedness Considerations for Extreme Heat Current
ESF 017-006 09/29/2017 Influenza and Pneumococcal Reminder Current
ESF 022-023 07/08/2022 CR-103E Filed to Extend Emergency Rules Regulating Timelines for Completing Certain Resident Assessments and CR-101 Filed to Consider Permanent Rulemaking Current