Child Support Schedule Workgroup

Child Support Schedule Workgroup

Every four years, the state is required under federal and state law, as well as our state’s child support plan, to review our child support guidelines. The Washington State Child Support Schedule Workgroup fulfills this obligation. It also provides stakeholders and the broader family law community the opportunity to evaluate the current state of child support programs and identify opportunities for improvement and reform. To view a brief history of the Child Support Schedule Workgroup recommendations to the Legislature, click here. The next workgroup will convene in 2027.

2023 Child Support Schedule Workgroup

The 2023 workgroup has completed its work and has delivered its final report to the legislature.

Prior Reports to the Legislature

If you would like to review the workgroup materials for any year below, please contact DCS at

About the Child Support Schedule Workgroup

Who is on the Child Support Schedule Workgroup?

The workgroup includes policy experts, judicial branch representatives, a tribal representative, practitioners, legal aid attorneys, members of the Legislature, and parents with direct experience in the child support system who are paying or receiving child support. The director of DSHS’ Division of Child Support chairs the workgroup. You can view a list of the required members in RCW 26.19.025(1).

How can I apply to be on a future workgroup?

The Governor appoints most of the workgroup members, except for the legislative members. To apply, visit the Governor’s website.

Why do you review the child support guidelines?

In order to maintain its federal funding, each state with a child support program under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act must establish "one set of guidelines," which must be used statewide for setting and modifying child support award amounts.

In Washington state, our child support guidelines were developed and codified as the Washington State Child Support Schedule under RCW 26.19.

Federal regulations provide specific instructions for states as they develop their child support guidelines. At a minimum, a state's guidelines must do the following:

  • Take into consideration all earnings and income of the noncustodial parent.
  • Be based on specific, descriptive, and numeric criteria and result in a computation of the support obligation.
  • Provide for the child’s or children's health care needs, through health insurance coverage or other means.

Once a state has adopted its child support guidelines, the state must then conduct a review of the guidelines at least every four years to ensure the guidelines still result in "appropriate child support award amounts." If the guidelines no longer do so, federal law requires the state to revise its child support guidelines.

Why does DCS maintain the workgroup’s webpage?

RCW 26.19.025(3) says that the DCS provides staff support to the workgroup. In order to provide ongoing information about the progress of the workgroup, DCS maintains this webpage, a broadcast listserv, and a dedicated email box. 

How can I stay informed?

Sign up for our Support Schedule Workgroup listserv. We will notify you when items are added to the workgroup materials.

If you have questions, please contact the workgroup at

NOTICE: Any emails you send to the email address may be subject to public disclosure. Please review the DSHS internet privacy policy before sending an email to the Workgroup.

When DCS receives an email containing comments or feedback, we forward it to workgroup members. We also send compilations of these emails with comments or feedback out on our listserv broadcast list, once or twice each month as time allows. You can also join the Support Schedule Workgroup listserv to receive notices of new items on the web page as well as copies of these emails.

Note: When we forward emails via the listserv, we remove any personally identifying information to protect the privacy rights of those submitting emails. If you want us to include your identifying information, please include that request in your email.

Please use the Support Schedule Workgroup email address only for comments to the Child Support Schedule Workgroup. For specific case-related issues, please call the KIDS Line at 1-800-442-KIDS.